Stockfish 13, released February 19, 2021, is the strongest chess engine at the moment I am writing these lines. You can download it for windows, linux, mac os, and also android. Yet at the moment I am writing these lines, the android binaries download link points to Stockfish 12 and not 13. (This happens often with Stockfish, as the android binaries are not the ones people need the most.) As Stockfish is open source (github here), how could we cross-compile Stockfish 13 on a windows 10 computer for an Android phone ? (In my case, a Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra running Android 11.)
Stockfish 10 Download For Mac
We are going to need the source code : git clone -stockfish/Stockfish.git (see the right address at Stockfish's github as this address could change) somewhere on your PC. (You need the command line utilities of Tortois Git for instance.) Let's call StockFishDIr the full path to the StockFish folder (that contains src as subfolder) on the PC.
We also need a cross-compiler to ... cross-compile (!) the source-code on the PC into an executable targeting the Android OS, meaning : being executable on the ANdroid OS, i.e. on the phone. We are going to use Android-NDK, which contains toolchains and cross-compilers. We download the "Latest Stable Version" r22 (as of the moment I am writing these lines) and unzip it to a folder on the PC ; I call "AndroidNdkDir" the full path to this directory (containing build, meta, prebuilt, toolchains etc folders) on the PC.
Finally, as in Stockfish's source code there is only a Makefile, we are going to need make under windows. Yes. Just get it from GnuWin32 and note MakeDir the installation directory on you PC, the one containg the bin folder containing make.exe. Analyzing the MakeFile linearly show that the cross-compilation boils down to only one command line provided some file is downloaded, and to another "optimizing" command line.
Now, before compiling, we need one last piece : the net file (technical, net = networks = neural network = the weights file of the neural network Stockfish operates with). "Normally" (ah ah), under a linux setup (all what I do here works almost mutatis mutandis on Linux), we would just do a "MakeDir\bin\make.exe" profile-build ARCH=x86-64 which would download the net file where needed, and we would not even bother we it. Sadly, running here "MakeDir\bin\make.exe" profile-build ARCH=x86-64 doesn't work for some reason, and we need to download the net file ourselves manually. Hence we have to look in the Makefile to find how the net file is downloaded. The bit that matters in the Makefile is :
When the preceeding command executes properly it produces the stockfish_13_armv8_xcomp_win10x64 binary inside the StockFishDIr\src folder. This binary is already usuable on you phone (by putting it inside the DroidFish\uci folder of your DroidFish app, for instance) but is not optimal as the size is big and the execution is a little bit slow. Hence we have to "strip" the binary with the following command line, still inside the StockFishDIr\src folder :
I just downloaded Stockfish, input a couple games, and saved them. They look like generic documents when I save and try to open. I just used the default Save function in Stockfish. Finder tells me they are .pgn documents. The problem is when I try to open I get this message:
I'm having the same issue and I know why it happens. When I have a game with comments/annotations after any of the moves that are within the annotation tags (as viewed in a text editor) like "1.e4 this is normal e5, then if I add a variation in the app such as "1. e4 this is normal 1...e5 (1... d5!?)" and then hit save, then stockfish app has saved the file in a way that removes the from my comment, so that it is no longer readable as a pgn file.
The last few years have seen a manifold increase in the number of chess engines available in the public domain. Well-known chess engines such as Fritz, Shredder Chess, AlphaZero, and of course Stockfish can be downloaded by anyone with a computer, smartphone or tablet.
The 2.3.5 version of Stockfish for Mac was available to download on the developer's website when we last checked. We cannot confirm if there is a free download of this app available. This free software is suitable for Mac OS X 10.9 or later. Stockfish for Mac relates to Games. We recommend checking the downloaded files with any free antivirus. The following versions: 2.0 and 1.0 are the most frequently downloaded ones by the program users. The actual developer of this free software for Mac is Daylen Yang.
Stockfish,an UCI compatible open source chess engine developed by Tord Romstad, Marco Costalba, Joona Kiiski and Gary Linscott [3], licensed under the GPL v3.0. Marco forked the project from version 2.1 of Tord's engine Glaurung, first announced by Marco in November 8, 2008 [4], and in early 2009 Joona's Smaug, a further Glaurung 2.2 derivative, was incorporated [5] . Starting out among the top twenty engines, Stockfish has quickly climbed in strength to become the world strongest chess entity as of 2018 - at least concerning the AlphaZero hype [6], public available chess entity. The name "Stockfish" reflects the ancestry of the engine. Tord is Norwegian and Marco Italian, and there is a long history of stockfish trade from Norway to Italy (to Marco's home town of Vicenza, in fact). Stockfish also referred another famous "little fish", the then strongest chess engine Rybka. In 2011, Marco Costalba and Joona Kiiski stepped down as Stockfish maintainers [7]. From that, the project is being developed and maintained by the Stockfish community.
Today, many chess players spend a lot of time working with computers. Any ambitious chess player can and should download at least one strong chess engine. Chess engines evolved to one of the most vital chess training tools.
A lot of nonsense is spoken about computer chess engines. I am confident that the very best human chess players would never beat Stockfish 14 set at maximum strength. To claim otherwise is disingenuous. A novice chess player using stockfish 14 can easily draw or beat the best human players who are not using chess engines. Why pretend otherwise?
Tarrasch is an extremely easy to use free chess program for Windows. Tarrasch comes with a free database and chess engines, (including Stockfish and the demo versions of Houdini and Komodo), so you get everything you need to enjoy computerchess with one simple download. Click here to download Tarrasch for Windows.
Using NNUE will require a download of about 10 MB (20 MB uncompressed) for the neural network file. We will refrain from using NNUE, if your browser communicates that your device is in save data mode.
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