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A great joomla module allows you to create the Flipping Books on your site easily and beatifully. When an article page is loaded, the module which is loaded into that article will automatically builds in the flash flip book having such options as: zooming, printing, saving, contents, navigation.
joomla flippingbook 2.5
1. Install Module: Please unzip the package that you get after purchasing the product, then login to bakend side of your joomla site, then go to Extensions->Install/Uninstall and choose mod_os_flipping_books.zip to install module.
2. Module Options: After install module, you will go to module to config and publish it. You should create a new module position in your template (You can call it as flippingbooks), then show module on all page and publish it in this position.
1. Install WMT Flow Slider GalleryWMT Flow Slider installs like any other Joomla Component . If you are not familiar with Joomla Extensions installation, you can watch short video tutorial about how to install joomla extensions.
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