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Smrce:p .42 Basedon an articlefrom www2nurseweek.com. Theauthorsandpublishefiwouldlike tothankthefollo$,itlgflight attendoflts and trainers who assisted with thedorcloptnentofthisbook: Deborah Bullock, James Halliday, Dr.Young-mi Kim, Anna Ryazonova, Marijke van Hoeve,Mika Wade, andPamelaWood. 3. Gontents rSf;&ft'1,ffi{* 5t3j':.i:ii:i: r.lIIFl9Il:':.,:r1..'.,"' r'r'l ::::::::f::i-1:TIt II$ffifb**it5pathCareer Responsibilities People and placesjobs Describingandpersonal qual i ti es Describing airportanPrc{ightPre-flightbriefing lntroductionsAircraftfeaturesgreetings Formal informal and questions Askingdirect Saying what'swrong Asking clarifi forcationBoadingGreetingpassengers Boarding loading andSolvingseatingproblemsDescribing types luggage of Requestsresponses andGabin servicee and amenitieMealservice On boardsalesClasses service ofDescribing anddrinks food Making offers Askingaboutpreferences ApotogizingHealth and medical is$resissues HeatthRemedies Attending sick passengersParts ofthe body Offering hetpMaking suggestions Giving adviceSafety antlemcE;cnciesSafetyequipment procedures EmergencyExplainingsituations Responding concerns to Being assertivelntrcduction cabincrewt I I,tgffiii',i{*ttoo'::'"Descent, ldrding, andlayoverPreparations [anding for Checking cabin the into Checking ahotelGiving instructions Advising Explaining what's happeningpermission Giving/refusingGeftin aioblob applications Theinterviewprocess crewiob requirements Cabinyourexperiences Tatkingabout andinterests job Tatking about challenges rewards and68leltyourrelfl7oPartner Flleg75 a4Ail3wer ky93Usgtul drrarssllanccrlptr4. About the book EnglishforCabinCrew beendeveloped hasspecificatty flightattendants need for who to useEnglish every atworkandfor people day whoaretraining become cabin crew. toThisbookwillshowlearners to communicate how clearly, directly,withauthority, and politely, butalso even whendealing withdifficuttsituations. English forCabin Crew consists eightunits. bookisorganized of The around the sequence a flight, of with welcomingstarting an introductory followed pre-flight, unit, by passengersboard, medical issues, on cabin services amenities, route and enhealth and and safety emergencies, descent, and landing, layover.finalunitgives and The advice positions. for cabin on applying crewfromthe bookworkindependently can and Units participants.accordingto needs interests the course Englishfor beselected theand of Cabin Crewis alsoideatfor self-studv. Each begins unit withaStarter, which consists a shortexercise quizandserves of or as anintroduction thetopicof the unit.Practical to industryexercises,listening extracts, texts, wellas photos ilh;strations youtoacquire vocabulary specific as and help key and you Realisticrole-plays'live the opportunity putatlyouhavelearned expressions.to intopractice. unitcloses Each withan Outputactivity, textrelatedthetopicof the a to for unitfoltowed questions reflectiondiscussion. by and you When have completed whole thebookyoucanTestYourselfl thecrossword with on pages 68-69.In theappendix Engtish of forCabinCrewyou wilt find the Partnerfilesyourownanswers youare fortherole-plays, theAnswer sothatyoucancheckand key if working alone. There alsoTranscripts the Listening areof extracts. Theil$ttiRoll contains atlthe Listeningextracts thebook. from These be ptayed can through audioplayer yourcomputer,through conventional the on There or a CD-player. is alsoan A-Zwordlistwith all the keywordsthat appear Engtish Cabin for in Crew.This includes column phonetics a space youto writethetranslationsthewords a of for and of yourlearning doing in yourown language.Interactiveexercises you review The let by exercises coveressential that the language the bookon yourcomputer. will be fromThis particularly valuable youareusing bookfor self-study. if the5. lntroduetion to cabin crewtake a list of thefob'sgoodpoints.Thenmakea list of the become cabincrew? Whydopeople iob'[email protected] talk aboutthelr iobs.Completelnformation. Listento four people2I Iivearctn ltotatyearsflyingltheysay . rhl. i^h thlsiobrThebestpartis goingon I'min charge ofis My mainresponsibilityI report the tocabin. thewhole 6. to crew 6 UNT1 Introductioncabin2f&tul 4rln. Ietc[oech cpcnkorrlthefobonthelcerpath.Different countries, airlines, sizes aircraftallhave and of can different names cabin for crew iobs.purser/Senior purser/Cabin Chief service director/Cabinmanager/lnflight manager/ service service Inflight servicesdirector (PD/Economy purser (PB Purser/Business purser class classpurser Assistant Senior member/Senior attendant crew flightmemberlFlight Crew attendant,3tetdrthcvrrtcandphrrratomakefobluporclbllltlcs. r be 2 beinchargethe 3 secure cabin make 4 5 report 6 operate 7 lookafterthe 8takecare of 9 accountfor ro lookafter lt beresponsible !2 reportto4a b c d e f g h i j k Ifortake-offandlanding missing broken oremergency equipmentmanifest the money on call the cabinservicedirector for alltheflightattendants the paperwork of runningwholecabin the announcements the doorspassengers'comfortWdteonorcntenco.bout cachfobIn axerclseWhatpartof each doyouthlnk woutdbethe a fob mct Int rrrtlng theleart Interestln gd tm mostdlfflcult?Flight attendantslookafterpassengers. must jobof senior going international The crewmember involves on flights. purser's The responsibilities includemaking announcements. The is cabin service director responsiblethewhole for cabin. 7. UNITl5Introductiontocabincrew 7tetch thefobcwlth the plcture, Cabln crewworkcloselywlthotheravlatlonprofesclonals. Flight crew a Captain b Firstofficerengineer c FtightT T TGroundcrew (fuel, maintenance, service etc.)d Apron/Ramp e Cabin service f Catering g Passengerserviceoperation service h Fieldilnrgnrilg$Jtlln n u lAtfncAilrrcusHapron6needto In Ghoose of the avlatlonprofecclonalsererclse5;Whywoulda cabincrewmembcr one them? communlcatewlth 8.crew 8 UNITI' Introduction cabin to7How much youknowabouthistoryof cabin do the crew? Guess answers thequestions. to the r 238Whatyeardidthe firstcabin crewmember fty? jetlinerWhatyearwasthefirstcommercial flown? When airrage did start becomeproblem? a toyouranswers. Read text andcheck the Thenfind wordsinthe text to matchmeanings below. r-n4Aircraft Transport Travel andfly begins first scheduled the airlineservice. They between theUKandFrance. There no cabin are crew. lmperial Airways the firstair carrier use 'cabinboys'- the first flightattendants. is topassengers. They polite,andcomfort nervous are Western Airlines thefirst USairline serve is to foodin-flight. job becomes The morecomplex, flightattendants so mustbecome moreorganized do it well.to 2$year-old nurse,Ellen Church, becomes firstfemaleflightattendant. the Flight attendants nowexpected beprepared medical are to for emergencies. (ALSA) isThefirstflightattendants' union- the Airline StewardessesAssociation formed.Flight attendants nowskilledand professional.are (BOAC) British Overseas Airways Corporation startstheworld'sfirst commercialjetliner service. golden The ageof cabincreWbegins. Theirmainjob is passenger safety, but cabincrew- almostallyoung, single women areexpected be glamorous. to Thefirst 747jumbojetsareflowncommercially. Increasing international travelmeansflightattendants needto be veryflexible adaptable. and Concorde,first supersonic the airliner, entersservice. flightfrom LondonNewYork The to takes lessthanthreehours. A change thelawallowslowcostbudget in airlines airlines fly. Cabin tocrewlearnto be patient public. with lots of first-timeflyersfromthegeneral Ryanair, oneof Europe's now oldestandmostsuccessful budSet carriers, startsflying. Cheaperticketsmeanmorepassengers, tighter turnarounds, fewerpassenger andpressure comforts. abilityto The communicate to be coolunder andbecome moreand moreimportant. In Europe, budget airlines begingrowandtake passengers to fromtraditional away national airlines.Moreandmorepeople air rage fly, increases, thejob becomes more andchallenging. Afterthe eventsof September fewerpeople Many 11, fly.flightattendants losetheir jobs. Cabin crewwhocontinue workingmustlearn be moreforceful possibly to in difficult situations.Anincrease the costof fueldrives in many airlines of business.spiteof allthe out In difficulties, cabincrewcontinue be empatheticcheerful. isn't always to and lt easy! prepares launch BritishAirways cuts long-haul cabincrewfrom 15 to 14. Virgin Galactic tothefirstcommercial space shuttle. 1 23 4 5 6ableto change floxiblepositive happy and _ notrude readv having specialtrainingqualificationsdo a job and to notold;agedr8-zr, for example 9. 1UNITZ 8 9 ro tt t2 13 r49lntroduction cabin to crew 9attractiveexciting and _ ableto change acting withstrength determinationorderto succeed and in people's ableto understand feelings _ abletoplancarefully having certain abilities experience and able acceptto annoying behaviour noteasily upsetin a difficultsituationAdiectives oftenhaverelatednouns. a dictionary completetable. Use to theAdjectivelounadaptableadaptabilityforcefulforcefulness1_cheerfulnesspressurecool under2_under3_ flexibleempathyorganizedpressure4_ glamour 6patiencepolite89_ professionalpreparedness 10_11_skiltyoung72-1OUnCerllnethe correctwords to completethe text.. : ' . : : ,Whatmakesa goodfllght attendant? prefer hirecheerful cheerfulnesslpeople Airlines to whoalsoshowa lot of / empathetic empathy2. nolonger You needyoung youth3 glamorous glamou/ and / / / you to geta job. However, needto showthat youwantto become skilled skillsanda / professional professionalism6 you worker, because will be the'face'of the airline. / Cabin crewmustalso: I haveexcellentexcellenceT health / I havegoodclear/ claritf of speech I betall./tallnesse enough reach to emergency equipment overhead in lockers Ihavegood goodnesslo vision / f Oegoodteamworkers preferMostairlines cabin crew withnovisible tattoos unusual orhairstyles. mustbe Men clean cleanedll-shaven havetheirhaircutabove collar. and the /qualities youhave 11 Wtrat do nowthat witlhelpyoubea good crewmember? Whatqualltles you do need todevelop?10. 10lto crew UNIT'. Introduction cabint2words theboxtolabelthemaps. in Usethe . e o . arrivalshall baggageclalm].r[sardinggates check-in controltowercr ewr oomrcustomsinspeciionrimmig ra t io n a n d q u a ra n t in e rs e c u rit y c h e c k .appassengers by Note:Landsidewhere enterandleave airportbus,taxi,train,car,etc. the Airside where land,takeoff,load,unload, etc. aircraft lJmswerthequestions. you r Wheredoes'airside' begin when aredeparting? youarrive? when z Wheredoes'landside' begin Where yousometimes do have openyourluggage? to3 do carry a finalticket out check? 4 Where agents park? Where theaircraft do 5 11. UNITlA UDIOAw1 I n t r o d u c t i o n t o c a bi n c r&*::: 1 23 4 5 6 7 6children onboard? are is thestopover? go? witlthe wheelchair in Moscow?willwearrive How_ information we have? do passengers timewilltheboard aircraft? the with needs? thereanyotherpassengers specialyoutellmewhatto do? _ How _ How_questlons Ask 11 Workwith apartner. andanswer about flight. the Partner Filez, p,7o A PartnerFile10,p.72 B 16. 2 16 1 UNITPre-flighton the to areas anaircraft.12 matctr words make 1Cargo2emergency first ftight overwing economyCrew3 4 5 6 7a b c d e f gcabin class deck exit station hotdhatchc_lavatorye-1Jtt. Xow tabel the areason the aircraft in thepicturewith the wordsfrom exercisewith fromexercise rz. 1/1Comptete sentences words the r zrulesmustbeobserved belowro,ooofeet. Sterile Every available usedin an evacuation. _isprovides base cabin for The a crew uring d take-off landing. andloaded the into Attbaggage security-checked is before being3 45Passengersin-payeXtraformorelegroomandanimprovedmea[service. is anextra for usein an emergency evacuation. 6 The exit passengers inthe_ fly cabin. 7 Most 17. UNIT2 ere-flight 17 1!equipment the borwith the pictures. in is matctr emergency the Where eachltemfoundon board anaircraft? . crashaxe emergenl . medicaiktt *uroi%q,jj .Ff,{i-tt6_- .t10eq+tr 77716 Comptete tablewiththelocations theequipment thepicture. the of inEquipment rsafetycard 2 e,mergency tiShti.lS 3 tifejacket cylinder 4 oxygensign 5 nosmoking 5 firstaidkit 7 fireextinguisher 8 seatbeltin 6atlpocKolon lunder/belowabove/over I near/closeto 18. 18 uNrr2Pre-flightt/questlons in Ask of Yo*vlth a partner. andansweraboutthe locatlons the equipment ererclses t5andt6, A:Where'stheoxygen cylinder? B:lt's in theoverhead locker. AttRrcAilEttcltgHtE!r!!!l!qu9!lifevest bin overhead flashlighttifelacketlocker overhead torchAUDIOa 6T tark thesentences rue(r'ot receivedafter boardlng. 18 U"t"n to the additionalinformation talse(I). rConversation will an after take-off. r There beturbulence hourwillfinish o9.3o. z The mealservice byI Iz Conversation Anunattended hasgotontothe aircraft. dog 3 T-t bin. ll 4Thedogwittbeputin anoverhead Conversation 3 maybedelayed up to twohours. for 5 Theaircraft got has 6 TheCaptain already the update.Conversation 4 There a large is musicalinstrumentthe passenger incabin. 7 8 Theinstrument bein a rowat the back. willn n T lTlpnatctrtwo halves the the sentences, of Listenagpinif necessary.1 z 3 4 5 6 7 8I'msorry, but Didyousay didn'thear didn'tldon'tknow, I'ma bitconcerned you Can Does thatmeansAYrilG wHATtswnoilc (but) don'tunderstand. l'msorry, ' I'mconfused. iI'mconcerned. ; I didn'tcatch that. I didn'thear.I'mnotsure/certain.a b c d e f g habout timing. the butI'llfindout. catch that. I don'tunderstand. please? saythatagain, she'ilbeboarding first? a there's dogon board? whatyousaidthe firsttime.ASt(ilGFOnCIARFCATOXyou repeat that? Could ? Didyousay... Whatyoumean? do Doyou/Does mean ? that ... youtetl me/say/go Canthrough please? thatagain, 19. UNIT2 Pre-flight 19 I2O neaAthesituations.What would you say or what questionswould you ask ineachcase? ften your ideaswith a partner. compars1 Situation Youareaflightattendant with an English-speaking flying crew You to of tolstanbul. havelistened all the details theflightbut you'regatenumber, still notsureaboutthe departure time, andflyingtime.2Situation responsibility an for Youarea flightattendant have andminor You take unaccompanied ona flightto Athens. must him safetybriefing. thechildto hisseat give an individual and the age Youdidn'thear child's andyoudon'tknowif hecan You concerned abouthelping read safety the card. arealso the youwill nothavechildduring flightas the timeto carry out yourother dutieswell.Youneed check times your as to the of other dutiesaSa.ln.Situation3 greeting.passehlers Youarea flightattendantastheyboard An boards a crying with baby. The theaircraft. Englishwoman yousomething donot you woman talking fastandasks is very Shenot to her card understand. does appear have boarding You ifsoyouthinkit maybelost. need check shehasher to card she toboarding before goes herseat.Situation4 You is on to Ababa. There ablindpassenger a flight Addis are responsibility for andanotherflightattendant sharing You helping passenger the during flight.areconfused the of and to about times yourduties youwantthePurserthe again. explain them 20. 20 UNIT2 Pre-ftightReadthe text andanswerthe questions.Luc Bertrand The airline I work for is quitebig, so I almost always fly with crew membersI've never met before.We introduce ourselves at the pre-flightbriefing while the Purserchecksour documentsare up-to-date.After that, we discusseverythingrelated to the flight. This includes flight details, aircraftconfiguration, where to find the emergency equipmentand how touseit, our duties for the flight, and any new information which maybe useful.We haveto show wewhat it looks like and where it is. ThePurserprocedures, understand emergency suchasinforms the Captainand, if necessary,fire-fighting, the location of theemergencyAviation Securityis calledout.exits, and how to arm ordisarm the doors. The goldenrule is always 'Safetyfirst!'apassenger with specialrequirements.Iso the most importantpre-flight task is the ''recently had to take careof a lady whowassecurity check, where we searchfor anyblind. I accompaniedher tothe seat,helpeddangerousor foreign objects on board. It'swith herluggage, and explained the locationalso the most difficultpre-flight task, as youof the nearestemergencyexit, thelavatory,Sometimeswe have responsibility formust be very careful tocheck everywhereand the passenger serviceunit. Later, Ieven thoughthe time is limited. A bomb, abrought her lunch and helped withthat astoxic liquid, ammunition, or a weaponcanwell. She was reallynice, and appreciatedbe hidden in a very small space.If I find amyhelp a lot.suspect item, I mustn't touchit. I haveto inform thePurserand describein detail. Would enioy you you working a jobwheremeet in newcolleagues every day? almost Why, orwhynot? o Howwouldfeelwhen you carrying a security out check? .' Doyouhaveanyexperience in customercare? . Would beable give blindpassengeryou a hetp to attthe theyneed a flight? onT 21. 1 ,,BoardingReadtheintroductlon. Then natch the pictures wlth the correctdescriptions. passengers. need They for crewto noticetheirfirstimpressions boarding of It is important cabin passengersmayhaveproblems, cause problems, who during flight. a of or to beawarer z3 4The is man ii Anoverweight in hisfifties veryredinthefaceandshortof breath. weather mild, jetway. is via cool,andthepassengers entering anenclosed are theairport pleasantly groupfourwomen theirearly Oneof them A of in twenties talking areandlaughing loudly. passenger doesn't with and seem realize theother to that hasstarted conversation another a passenger wanttotalkto her. doesn't really He in appears beverynervous anxious.looks to and A manwhois probably hislatetwenties pass passportboarding He his verytightly. and tiredand/orworried. is hotdinglooks withthreechildren: crying a baby, toddler, a four-year-old,exhausted a and A mother bag andstressed. hasa large withher.Sheanswerquestlons t-4. Thendlscussyour Foreachpassenter or groupof pas3engers, answerswltha partner. r z 3 4possible person's andcauses youthinkofforeach can appearance behaviour? Howmany present?issues couldeachpassenger Whatpossible problems? youdo anythingprepare or avoidin-ftight for to Can are DoyouthinkaUofthepassengers fit to fly? 22. 22 uN[tBoardinstThffrtporrneprrcapr*crlnnboerdlngtheelrcreftlnefllgfrtettcndenLtlthrp.rtnu,tffif of ftithlngr orUE tlrrrheeU or rhouUn't do eethcy.rclcomep.rcong$r onboerd.2Uccrhirordslnthebortoonplrtetre.nnouncnst.AUDIOc 7WelcomeWe're looking fonrvard Good morning, ladies gentlemen. and aboardflightzo4to Auckland.tomakingthisasmooth-'andanon-time-,.P[easestepoutofthe a sq uicklyaspossibleafterplacin g y o u r-4 in t h e o v e rh e a d s .P la c e a l 6under personal bags lockers, store and smaller thecarry-on intheoverhead emay used phones other we're here the atinfrontofyou.Cell and electronic be while9.However,oncethe-'ohasbeenclosed,theseitemsmustbeturnedoffand youThank forchoosing Airandwelcome E-Z aboard! stowed.mobilephonehandluggagesaft&-ne cany,{nbatgnge +!fUsnen chccltouranfllJ& rnd3?4lod thr rnnouncnsnt out bd' na.d uth r larlh -lt mekrr yonrwlce round nksrl U$rntothrcccowanrtlona Flndrnexampblcech typcof ltomardrrltcthem In thstabls. 23. UNIT3 Boarding23 5Addthe wordsto the tablein exerclse 4. '!{D,player. handheld ogame. laptoP. mobile phone. rucksack suitbag . video trotley bag .walki4gslick. wallet6Use Turnto thetranscrlpG page86. Practiseconversations. the on the Workwlth a partner. sords In the tableinererclse 4.7the the descrlbe ltems?UscthewordsIn the boxto completeHow the fllght attendants dld deccrlptlons. little .big .ls6.blue ta _suitcase 2 a -handbag of Order adjectives in order when describew'e things. adiectivesa certain Weus9 i Oplnlon SizeAgeorShapeColour Origin Material Purposeother quality asquareaaIsuitcaseleatheroldbeautifuthat redsmallJapanesebox pursein items.Usethewords thebortodescribethe lookatthe plctures..hatoportable.small .big . e x p e n s iv e . le a t h e rc f ra gile ' o ld ' re d rn e w b e a u ti fu lsuitcase 1 234purseboxptayer DVD 24. 24 uNtT3 Boarding9Whatspecialcaremightthe foltowingpeople need a ftight? on 1 very people oldpeople 2 young trave[[ing alone who injured ill or 3 people are10fhe flight is veryfutl. There six emptyseats(seechartbelow), sixstandbypassengers are and to Lookat the list of passenger board.requirements the list of seats.lf a seatis acceptable a and forpassenger, marklt with a tick. lf not,markit with X. Howwiltyouseateveryone?1EIEEm] rm m rm tto ttp m m CtD rm t-ttl2r-tO r:LU34 f6 7ctOd9a Fifty-year-old company Arturo is executive Chavezreturning home froma business Heis illandwants beasnear trip. to aspossibte the lavatory. to b Joe Cathy and They're on Smith, bothzz,have gotmarried. iust theirhoneymoon wantto sittogether. wantsaisle and an Joe he's seatbecause a nervous flyer.great-grandmother c Veena Singh a 95-year-old is travelling tomeethernewgreat-grandson theveryfirsttime.Sheisvery for oldandweak.going d Shetagh Mulvaney a r9-year-old is abroad. student She'snever travelled air before she's by veryexcited be and to makingfirsttrip.She her wants window seat. a e Soo-Bong is returning askiing Park from holiday. hashurt He hisleg.Heis using walking astick an seat. andheneeds aisle10 11 12 t3 14 t5 16 t7r8 79 20 2722 23 24maBa 0mrm rmroArm rrD l-tO rtD nD mr rm rro24Dr-tl n_TLLNm rm m m rr!n_-nrmfi--rJm25iifj-A-lfArturo loe Cathy Veena ShelaghSoo-Bong Chaiez Smith Smith Singh Mulvaney Park[tD__/ r^it locationE ealtey I [email protected] Closet25c 25B74c rB 25. UNIT8 Boarding 25ttUrctrepbrereslnthcbqtocomsdrfhcruqutr.Tlrcnnrtdrschoo.dthfhsporcctrgarlnexerclsero.7 23 4 5 6? Sorry, notfeelingwell. I'm Couldbe I Iexpected seatto be my . W.irrt S"t married! I don'twant sit to Iasked a window for seat. Mylegisinjured, it'shard meto sit so forCan lsit oftheplane? Myhusband I would to sit and like12 frtch thcruquatcto thecornctlrulrr.Arethereanyheadphones? 1 Myseat backwon'trecline. you Can make goback? itIyou? '. _, Doyoumind I getpast ifI dont suppose could thOse we take emptyseats, we? couldyou Yes,canhelp after I take-off. You'll have position to leaveintheupright it now.t., you I dont want this.Haven't gotany Englishnewspapers? ir . lsit OK I use toiletnow? if the Would bepossiblehave blanket? it to a you Would mind liftingthat the into forlocker me,please?ttWo*r'ttlrrprrtnt wlthoutnrdln;;Certain sir.Woulde Ti ly, Th mesbe OK? cI'mafraid are there nomoreavailable.dI'msorry they're but reserved thecabin forcrew.eNoproblem. Goodness heavy! - it'sfOfcourse, I'llfetch foryouone rightaway.gplenty roorn. Sure there's of -hSorry, you'llhavewaituntilthe but to captain offtheseatbeltsign.turnsTtkrtumrnrdlrythrrqrrrtr.Trytcrupondtoyourprtmfrrcqu.ct 26. 26 UNTs Boardingtllbefore take-off.Workwlth a partner.ilakeanapproprlate carrying a cablncheck out Vouare request to thepa$engel for eachplcture. 27. UNIT3 Boarding 27 A UD I OAwyourrequests 1 J Usten.Complete requests. Were the fromexercise thesame? 14 yourseatbelt,please. to fasten yourchild's keepingfeetofftheseatin front? canbeverydifficult lt forrl zl9passengers.other Woutd itplease? foryou putthatunderthe to seat, 3youcouldputyourseatupright, please? 4Do putting yourpaper Woulddown,please? people The behind can'tseethe 5 you. Thank safetybriefing. youcould 6l turnyourphone please? off, putyour up,please?tray 7 Could please? 8 strap innow, him 9 10you put butcould pleaseyour rest now? foot up, putyour window shade fortake-ofB upsentenceexercise with a picturein exercise In r5 16 m"t.t each 14. 1_6 2783 4 5t/9 10Wotkwitha partner.Practise makingpoliterequests.Partner Fite3, p,7o A P artner Fi l e , p.7z I l U S E F U L H R AS ES PAsking politety rightif ...? ls it OK/atl youmindhetpingwith...? me Would Doyoumindif ...? if me I wonderyou'dmindhelping ...? it Woutd be possible ...? to you Couldpossibty... ? Doyouthinkyoucould ? ... you I don'tsupposecould/would ? ... you Could/Would ...,please?Asking politely butAskingdirectly or firmly instructing you Could ...? Turnitoff,please. you...,please? Can Putit in the ... I'd likeyouto ...Stop... lwantyouto ...,please. Don't... you...? Please it off now.turn Witt Sitdown! Please move ...Politeresponse(positive)Politeresponse (notsure)Politeresponse (negative)Yes.Ofcourse. Sure. Certainly. Noproblem.I'm notsure. youwait Canwhilelfind out? I'msorry. don'tknow. II'mafraid haven't/can't the Iat moment. I'msorry, that'snotpossible. but I'msorry, can'tdo that.I 28. 28 UNT3 Boa rdin gRead text and answerthe questions.thePAMETAWOODWAR,D I work on a Challenger604, which is atwelvepassenger corporate jet. As passengers board the plane, I tryto concentrate on faces and names. Duringthe flight, I like to usethe passengers' names when I speakto them. I clon'toftenhaveproblemswith peopleon my flights but once, we were latearrivingbecauseof a medical emergency.During the delay, twopassengers who were waiting for the turnaroundflightwere drinkingalot. When we were finally reaclyto go again, I thought these twopassengerswere too drunkto fly. I refusecl let them board.After wetook off, the other passengers to at thanked me. They saiclthe twodrunkshad behavedvery baclly the airport. The most commonctifficultycluringboarding is passengers who don't considerTheystand in the aisle.I haveto askthem to other people whenthey're boarcling. sit down so that we can loaclthe plane. askSometimesthere is a delay after boarding. lf this happens,thepassengers lots of questions.We keep them informed andprovicleextra drinks and snacksif the delay is long. We had a badtime last winter during ablizzard.We had to wait three hours forthe weather to improve, then another two hours while the wings werede-iced. After all that, we couldn't move becausethe wheels werefrozen! We waitec{another two hours before the captaindecideclwecould not fly. lt was four days before we finally left! When we'refinally ready for take-off, l think about which exit to use for anemergency,bracingcommands, my brace position, how to open the exit,and so on. After that, I start thinkingabout how much time I havetodo a proper service. Every flight is clifferent for me, because ourpassengersalways order whatever servicethey want aheacl time,beforethe flight. lt's a very personalservice.So I of organizeeverything in my heaclbefore my hands start working!:,. i j :1- -..r t:.:::.=.:.,:@ .jet? you Would liketo workon a smallcorporateWhy/Why not? . Doyouthinkpassengers flyonsma[[corporatearedifferent those airliners? jets who from on lf so,how? o Haveever you seen anyone withbadbehaviour? happened? deal What 29. lrtGabinservices and amenitiesAnswerthe questions.Theninterviewapartnerand makea note of their answers.EThinkof a timewhenyouwereacustomer a restaurant in or good service. hoteland you receivedWhat happened? Why wasthe servicegood?AThinkof a timewhenyouwereacustomer a restaurant in or hoteland you received bad service. Whathappened? Why wasthe servicebad?Equalities needed a customerWhatpersonal for are carejob? (l), Markthe following importantgoodbut not essential as (U), (G),unimportant or bad (B). good eyecontact grammar excellent a friendly smile a clear, confident voiceexpensive clothes and nieejewellery a veryseriousattitudeabouteverything way of speaking a very informal comfortablepolitecommunication butEyou who lmagine havea passenger doesn'tsharea language withyou or withanyone the plane- youcannotcommunicate on using words. Howwillyou offerthe passengerdrink? a Howwill you explain choiceof a chicken pastadishorbakedfish? theyou I have? Look agalnat question Ofthequalitiesmarked andG,whichdoyoualready 3. youneed workon? Which to do (X).Listen theannouncement. thesentences (r') or False liark True toG-tisabout service. r The announcement food I witt z Some itemsbeforsale. I says there a problem. n is announcement that 3 The 30.amenities servicesand 30 UNIT4 Cabin2Listen again. Choce the bestyyordor phraseto completeeachsentence. tWe'llshortlybegin means...a wewillnotbegin. b we willsoonbegin. begun. c we have already zCoffee, andsoftdrinks are tea, complimentary. means This theyare...a free. b optional. in c served firstclass only. Beer,wine,andcocktails contain ... 3 a mitk. b alcohol. csoftdrinks.Exactchangemeansthatcustomers... only. a payin coins ofb giveiustthe rightamount money. backif c canreceive somemoneynecessary. clearmeans ... Keeptheaisles 5 a be patient.whenyouorder. b speak carefully withyourlegs the c don'tblocktrolley or luggage.43Read aloudthe transcriptof exercise on page85.Remember smile. r to4Lookat the table of drinks and drink-relatedwords. Tick the correct column.iCold/ooftdrinkHotdrinkAlcoholltayof .,,,s.9sll,gbeer (tea/coffee btackwithoutmilk)* bloody mary coffee cola ginandtonic orange,tomato,etc.). iuice(appt_e, lager neat noice onthe rocks/yvlth iceredwine rosd wine rumandcoke water soda water sparkling stillwatergreen, herbal, tea(black, etc.)* whisky (te-a/coffee) whi,tewhit ewin e wit h m it ka n d s u g a r *Blockhastwo meanings connectiontea. in with r) Teaserved blackis teawithoutmilk in it. z) Black isa typeof darktealeaf; tea compare green or herbaltea. withtea5you'rea Workwith a partner. whatdrlnksyoullke anddlstlke. SayWhatdoyoudrlnkwhen passengeronplane? a 31. UNIT4 Cabin servicesandamenities 31 A U DIOglw6Whatdoeseachpassenger Listentothreeconversetions. order? Whatdotheyget?Order Whatthecustomerreceived 7Listenagain.Complete phrases. the Check transcriptonpage86 if necessary. the tlakingoffers you Would likeanything_'? adrink? Can _'you ranything fromthetrolley?Orderingdrinks i anygreentea? Black tea, please. 'a lager,Askingabout preferencesOtherrequestsyou ice? Would _4 5leave canwithyou? the omilkorsugar?please? "'a spoon, more napkins? " someI AU DT Ogw72di 'have headache. aattendant:
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