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Another tool that you can use to generate key pairs is ssh-keygen, which is a tool included in the SSH suite that is specifically used to create and manage SSH keys. As SSH keys are standard asymmetrical keys we can use the tool to create keys for other purposes.
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The option -f sets the name of the output file. If not present, ssh-keygen will ask the name of the file, offering to save it to the default file /.ssh/id_rsa. The tool always asks for a password to encrypt the key, but you are allowed to enter an empty one to skip the encryption.
The public key saved by ssh-keygen is written in the so-called SSH-format, which is not a standard in the cryptography world. It's structure is ALGORITHM KEY COMMENT, where the KEY part of the format is encoded with Base64.
Because your home directory is shared among all nodes in the HPC cluster,everything for this process can be done on one of the HPC login nodes. Justlog into a login node on the cluster, and then: Generate your host key, if needed. Run the command ls -l /.ssh/id_rsa.
If the /.ssh/id_rsa already exists, you shouldalready have the public host keys and should not need to do anythingelse and can skip the running the ssh-keygen command, although you should still verify theownership and permission of the file.
If you are having problems with passwordless among the cluster nodes,you can safely regenerate the public host key with the next step.If you arranged for passwordlessssh from the cluster to other systems, you will likely need to fix theauthorized_keys file on the other systems if you regenerate the HPC host key.
To (re-)generate the host key, run the ssh-keygen command. Accept all of the default value for the name of the file inwhich to save the key; the public key will be stored in the same directory, with a .pub extension. Generally, you shouldnot enter a passphrase (just hit return at the two passphrase prompts)--- the most common case is to enable passwordless ssh among nodes inthe cluster for use in job scripts, and that will not work if the keyhas a passphrase.
Repeat the ls -l /.ssh/id_rsa command from above. Itshould now show the existance of the file. Please verify that thefile is owned by you, and no one can access it but you. (Permissionflags should be -rw-------.).
Add the public host key to the authorized_keys file. If /.ssh/authorized_keys already exists, you shouldappend the contents of /.ssh/id_rsa.pub to the file; youcan do this with the command 'cat /.ssh/id_rsa.pub >> /.ssh/authorized_keys'.
If the authorized_keys file does not exist, yo can createit with the proper contents with the command:'cp /.ssh/id_rsa.pub /.ssh/authorized_keys'.
Please ensure that your id_rsa file is only readable byyou. This host key is all that is needed to access any system whichhas the corresponding public key added to its authorized_keysfile.You should now be able to ssh between nodes in the cluster without enteringa password. Note that you do not have access to ssh to compute nodes unless you have a job currently running on the node.Typically this passwordless ssh is only needed to ssh between nodes allocatedto a job within your job script.
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